LNTD REPowergreen
LNTD REPowergreen is a company specialized in the production, design, and engineering of industrial boiler plants that use biomass as a basic fuel.
In addition to biomass boiler systems, we also have extensive practical experience with boilers that use other liquid, gaseous and solid fuels, such as municipal waste, gas, fuel oil and coal. The power of our plants ranges from laboratory 200 KW to industrial 60 MW and more. We delivered a large number of complicated systems, where the complete know-how was ours and most of them were turn-key projects. On this website you will find significant amount of our product and application information. You will probably find information about your specific application, then contact us for assistance in selecting the solution that will work best for you. In addition to experience in the energy industry, we have long experience in the cooking oil processing industry, fertilizer production, and grain storage and drying equipment and technology. If you have a solution but no equipment, see our "Products" page. There you will find equipment and products from which we assembled our industrial plants.

RDF and Biomass Power Plant For District Heating

Biomass boilers
Biomass boilers are devices
where waste predominantly originating from agricultural production
is transformed into heat by combustion.

Coal boiler
Coal boilers are devices
that have been most widely used in the production
of heat and electrical energy for years.

Food oil factories
We participated in the projects
of almost all sunflower oil and soya
been factories in the region

Silo, storages for agriculture and grain driers
The silo and storages are used in the industry
for raw materials or finished products.

Fertilizers factory
Fertilizer factories manufacture synthetic fertilizers
that are used for supplemental fertilization
of plants in agriculture.

CHP Biomass Boilers Plant
Cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP) plants are plants
where waste heat from electricity production
is used as heat energy.